Most moms need help with breastfeeding basics, and sometimes the challenges can be overwhelming. It's hard to find online breastfeeding information you can trust. That's where Better Breastfeeding comes in. We've created an interactive, holistic system that gives expectant parents the tools you need during those critical first months. It will guide you every step of the way with ongoing support so you can meet your breastfeeding goals and learn at your own pace.

Personalized Wellness Check-Ins
Our Wellness Check-Ins provide customized guidelines to ensure you and your baby are on the right track. These guidelines can be updated, accessed, emailed, and printed out whenever you like. Especially helpful for first time parents to make sure you are meeting your breastfeeding goals.

24/7 Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist
Built on a smart platform, our Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist is the ultimate in breastfeeding support. It guides you through a self-assessment of you and your baby and provides specific recommendations for your unique breastfeeding challenges to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. It also generates reports to share with your doctors and health care providers. It's like having your own virtual lactation consultant to help you when you need it most.

Rich Educational Content
Our proprietary, comprehensive, tutorial library contains over 6 1/2 hours and 138 chapters of original content and covers every aspect of breastfeeding, feeding, and bonding with your baby. These tutorials are created for both nursing moms and non-nursing partners. They are medically based, engaging, and fun. You can browse by topic and go at your own pace. Find answers to common questions like "What makes a good latch?" and "Do I have enough milk supply?". Expectant parents can get a head start in learning before the baby arrives.
Breastfeeding may be natural, but that doesn't mean it is always automatic. It is a complex, beautiful bonding experience between you and your baby, and you deserve all the support you can get.
While many moms and partners attend in person breastfeeding classes, there is a lot of information to cover. It's helpful to have access to this information 24/7.
Online breastfeeding classes are a great way to learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. Expectant parents can learn breastfeeding basics and reinforce topics by watching the tutorials as many times as you like. Lactation consultants can provide in person support to help you meet your breastfeeding goals, but it is also helpful to learn about breastfeeding basics to support your breastfeeding journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Better Breastfeeding different than seeing a lactation consultant?In person visits with lactation consultants can be very helpful. But not everyone has access to a lactation consultants. There is also so much information to learn, it's helpful to have a foundational understanding of breastfeeding basics so, if and when you can see a lactation consultant for hands-on help, things make more sense. Better Breastfeeding is a web-based online breastfeeding course and self-assessment system that provides over 6 1/2 hours of tutorials and learning guides to provide you with comprehensive breastfeeding support. This information can help you know what to expect when you are breastfeeding so you can identify issues early on. The Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist can guide you through a self-assessment and provide helpful recommendations to support you in your breastfeeding journey. You can also print and share your reports with your doctor or lactation consultant. Using the Better Breastfeeding platform can help you trouble-shoot most breastfeeding issues at your own pace.
Why can’t I just ask my doctor if I'm having trouble breastfeeding?Most of the time, you and your baby won't see your pediatrician or OB/Gyn's for your first visit until 4-6 weeks after you give birth. But most breastfeeding issues arise early, within the first few weeks. If these issues are not addressed effectively early on, your ability to breastfeed can be impacted for the long run. First time moms and expectant parents are especially vulnerable, because they don't have the benefit of comparison to breastfeeding other children. Additionally, most doctors don't receive specialized training in breastfeeding medicine. In fact, breastfeeding has not traditionally been part of medical training. Depending on your doctor's training and advice, their advice can be confusing.
How is Better Breastfeeding different than a tracking app?Better Breastfeeding is an online breastfeeding course and so much more. It can teach you all about breastfeeding basics and also provides the bench marks to help you meet your breastfeeding goals. Tracking apps can help you keep track of what your baby is taking in and putting out, but they don't usually let you know what the range of normal should be. Our Wellness Check-Ins provide daily guidelines so you know what to expect from you and your baby, such as how many wet diapers your baby should have, how much breast milk or formula they need, if you are making enough milk, what your milk supply should actually be, how often you should nurse, etc. You can also print out the Daily Checklist and fill in the blanks to keep a written record that you can store and share with your healthcare provider or lactation consultant. Some parents find that a tracking app is hard for other caregivers to use or they find it easier to keep track on paper. The Daily Checklists can also be used in conjunction with a baby tracking app.
When is the best time to sign up for Better Breastfeeding?If you are an expectant parent or pregnant with your first baby, signing up for Better Breastfeeding during your third trimester can give you a head start on learning all the amazing things to expect. You can learn at your own pace with our online course from your own home. If you've already had your baby, signing up early can help assure you that things are going well or alert you to potential problems when there is still time to fix things. Using our online course, you will find answers to common questions, like "Does my baby have a good latch?", "Am I making enough milk?", and "How can I increase my milk supply?" If you run into problems or want to make sure things are progressing as they should, the Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist can help guide you to next step anytime you need help. Better Breastfeeding is more than just a breastfeeding class. It can support you through your whole breastfeeding journey.
Why do I need Better Breastfeeding for more than one month?Breastfeeding is a dynamic process that can change almost daily, especially in the early months. If this is your first baby, it may take time to get into a rhythm and understand all the information the site has to offer. The Wellness Check-Ins also give you daily guidelines to make sure you and your baby are meeting your breastfeeding goals. Better Breastfeeding can provide breastfeeding support through your whole breastfeeding journey.
Is Better Breastfeeding a Telehealth service? Will I work with Dr. Dahl?No. Better Breastfeeding is not a Telehealth service, but it is a helpful support system that can provide you all you need to learn breastfeeding basics and trouble-shoot problems, should they arise. It is an online breastfeeding course, baby tracker, and Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist all in one. Watch over 6 1/2 hours of original content video tutorials that are medically based and clinically informed. The platform can also guide you through self-assessments and provides recommendations to help support you and your baby in your breastfeeding journey in the comfort of your own home. You can print the reports generated by the Virtual Breastfeeding Specialist and share them with your doctor, health care practitioner, and lactation consultants.
Does Better Breastfeeding have Telehealth options?Better Breastfeeding is an online breastfeeding course and web-based application with tutorials, tracking, and self-assessment. There are currently no Telehealth options, but you can use it in conjunction with your lactation consultant, doctor, or other health care professionals.